Small Victories Count

Do not ever forget that a win, no matter how small, is still a win. Keeping this in mind has been a huge stepping stone in my recovery. Now it is not always easy to remember and its hard to cut myself some slack, but nothing is more relieving that celebrating life’s wins.

Each day that I make it to bed in some sense of happiness is a win. I have been trying this new routine in which I tell myself 2-3 wins I had that day so I don’t go to bed on a negative thought. The craziest part is they can be absolutely tiny wins but they change my whole mindset around. For example, on St. Patrick’s day I went out with a group of friends and we partook in some adult activities. I made it home with my ID, credit card, and phone. Now that is a win, especially since the last handful of times I had a little too much enjoyment I certainly misplaced at least one thing.

The reality check at the end of the night helps remind me that I don’t live in this prison of the 21st century. I am not locked into social pressures. I am not needing the approval of others, but rather fulfilling the need to make my own self happy.  I am capable of so much that is easily lost within our hyper-connected world.  It is so easy to compare myself to my peers. To compare my life journey with theirs and not be satisfied with what I have accomplished. However, there is always another side to the story. So, who is to say they aren’t comparing themselves to me and everything I have accomplished?

It is easy to get trapped in the prison, but its always a good time for a Shawshank redemption and good ol’ escape plan. Your plan, like mine, may be very tangible and easily measured. Your plan may be more on the creative side. Your plan may be with just yourself or it could easily include your family and friends. Whatever your plan, just make sure it is executed; the escape is near and always remember you are innocent until proven guilty. Meaning, you cannot be guilty of being “behind in life” or “less accomplished” just because one of your peers is settled, engaged, and a new homeowner while you have just finished your second full pizza of the week. In my eyes eating a whole pizza is a win in and of itself, especially if its anything bigger than a medium pizza!

So here is to my recent wins: 1. not misplacing anything on St. Patrick’s day. 2. Having amazing friends who love me regardless of my shenanigans. 3. Taking control of my work life and taking steps towards my own career happiness.


With all the love and sending wins your way,
